and has decent instincts when it comes to power pop (the song, melody, and lyrics of Mr Big's Green Tinted Sixties Mind were entirely his). His one shortfall is improvising -- it's usually stiff, uninspired, and largely just connect-the-sequences, which is too bad. When he maps out his runs, his phrasing, texture, and expression can be amazing, I wish he'd just go for broke and trust his considerable abilities when winging it. He's got this one sequence, a whole-step half-step hammer and pulloff thing, that's been a large part of
every solo he's done for more than twenty years. If you've heard enough of his solos, you'll know what I'm talking about. It's past time he retired it.
Having said that, the world could use a lot more Paul Gilberts. He's an unabashed goofball, a superb teacher, never cops an attitude, and still has a 12-year-old's enthusiasm for rocking out. I love the guy, always have.
Thanks for the Anton link. I'd seen the older videos, when he was 11, but not the newer ones. Yikes. That kid IS Paul Gilbert, his right hand is even a perfect clone of Paul's.
Here's another pup, a Scottish kid, doing Paul Gilbert's downstroking frenzy, You Kids: of Paul's more recent stuff I like:
Hurry UpRusty Old BoatWaste of Time (with Freddy Nelson)Alligator Farm