web and blog and buy pages. You can just send it out as a link!
I just built this widget as an extra credit project in my Flash Essentials class at CCSF this past semester and want to show it off as an idea for musicians to get a similar widget and be able to have their music securely (no download or theft can occur when embedded in shockwave file) heard from their own websites produced at a reasonable cost.
This widget can be customized with your own graphics, fonts and logo to match your style, with clicks to your uploaded songs in shockwave (secure) files, with links to your website, blog, or digital accounts so listeners can access information regarding sales, upcoming performances, and news events you already have on your various links and websites.
I hope for this to be a new revenue source for our Ear Candle Productions record label to support our Ear Candle Radio station that provides free airplay for independent musicians from all over the planet. Have a listen to our station and if you think your work might be a fit, send us a CD to Ear Candle Productions, P. O. Box 170357, San Francisco, CA 94117 or email an mp3 to J Neo Marvin at neo@earcandleproductions.com
In the meantime, this widget introduces our not yet released (just mastered, working on artwork and replication and tunecore 6 week process) album called "Crashing into the Future". If you drag the logo on the first page, you will see us (husband/wife team), the hosts (and owners) and if you click that you can go to Ear Candle Radio station and have a listen to J Neo's taste to see if your music fits our style. No particular genre, just meaningful. absurd, intelligent, and conveys originality (no formula pap).
J Neo Marvin, our music director, not only fronted his own band x-tal with both domestic and international success, but also wrote for Puncture Magazine as a music critic and co-DJ-ed with Sister Midnight at KZSC way back when the punk movement first started, and he is open-minded yet selective about what he will play.
Please try the widget, check out the navigation, the links, and try to download the songs and let me know that it works, and the music is secure. We won't be linked to buy pages at CDBABY or Tunecore for a while, but hope this can help the independent artists out there (like us) be more accessible with more security. I want to put my son to work on these widgets and am willing to reduce selling price of widgets to sell higher volumes. Employing family in the development of arts, working to save both!
Thoughts? Questions? Ideas?
Crashing Into The Futureoh... hope you like the songs.