10 years ago, John Edwards at the age of 45, and with no other political experience, ran for the Senate and won. 9 years ago, Sen. Edwards deposed Monica, and was praised for his tough line of questioning. 6 years ago, Sen. Edwards, along with Joe Lieberman, co-sponsored the first IWR, which did not make it to the vote, but a second resolution did, and he voted in favor. 4 years ago, Sen. Edwards defended his IWR vote as a VP candidate.
His Senate career was unremarkable. But something happened to John Edwards between 2004 and 2007, and he changed; he emergered as a stonger, more committed candidate.
He spoke with such conviction and such sinceratiy that I saw in him, tremendous potential for a change in this country. Although his Senate record was thin, and had to be defended, it was his word, his passion, his in-depth policies that appealed to me. He was tremendous in the debates, and many said he won.
But really, and honestly, all John Edwards had was words. Yes, he established foundations and charitable organizations, but did the bulk of that after 2004.
In thread after thread, Edwards detractors made snide remarks about my Kool-aid mustache. " There was no there there back then, but now that he is a presidential candidate you assert there is there there." "He is a snake-oil salesman, who remade his image to reflect the polls."
On and on and on. People did not see in Edwards, what I did.....at least not the ones who voted before Super Tuesday.
Voters liked John enough and thought he was elecatable, and even maybe more electable than the others, but for some reason, that opinion did not translate into a winning candidate.
This is a true story.
But in the minds of many of you here.....it is the only story that matters, even if it is a very thin story.
You have closed your books, packed up your belongings, and have chosen to sit on the sidelines and watch.
Barack Obama is 46,the age John Edwards was 9 years ago.