Edited on Fri May-09-08 01:24 AM by Two Americas
Long post, sorry. Have a lot to say on the subject. Actually reading it is entirely optional lol.
Am I imagining it, or are things getting worse? Didn't think that was possible.
Read through that thread, and if that is representative of the direction the party is going - and I believe that it is - and who in their right mind would ever want to be associated with Democrats, or even come within a mile of them? It isn't a political organization anymore, it is some sort of mass psychosis.
A certain mob dynamic is happening. You can make a clear and solidly reasoned post - no response. That has happened to me a couple of dozens times in the last week or so alone. And then within a few days the words you used have been re-assembled into an argument that says the exact opposite, and soon dozens and dozens of people are repeating it, and then by the next day people are talking about the made up nonsense as though it were the truth than "everyone knows." Wade through that, trace it back to its origin, and calmly point out how illogic it is - silence. Then a couple of days later the words you used in that post are re-constituted into a pro-Obama argument and dozens and dozens of people are repeating it.
I think the prototype for that was the success of the right wing "reverse racism" theme. They discovered that by turning a truth exactly inside out, the truth could be countered and warded off. Obama starts a racism controversy in the race, and to mask that a chorus of people start accusing Clinton of racism. People point out the cult-like behavior of Obama supporters, and within days the Obama supporters are using the exact same words but accusing the critics of those cult-like attributes. Obama is nailed on elitism with calm and rational posts, and we see the rise of a new concept - "reverse elitism" - those pointing out elitism are the actual elitists! Any time anyone makes a superior argument or demonstrates intelligence and logic - now they are the elitists!
This "reverse "logic" is becoming more and more pervasive. Let's say that you post something that is not consonant with the Obama campaign themes. The you are targeted by vicious personal attacks, character assassination and slander. If you object to that, your objection to being attacked will be characterized as an attack. "How dare you accuse me of being an attacking sort of person??" is the "logic." If you say anything that makes them uncomfortable -m anything that is inconsistent in any way with the idolization of Obama - you are accused of "attacking." No matter how vicious they are toward you, it is OK, because "it isn't an attack if it is the truth" - as I have heard Obama supporters say many times, or we have the "she started it!" or "she had it coming!" justification - the absolute height of moral depravity.
We have seen this "reverse logic" from people embracing the right wing talk radio ideas for a number of years, but I have never seen it as bad from them as I now see it from Obama supporters.
Now, some say "it isn't all Obama supporters." That seems reasonable - they couldn't have all lost their minds, could they have? - but I don't think it is true. It is true that only a few Obama supporters make the mist outrageous statements and engage overtly in the most obnoxious behavior, However, all Obama supporters at the very least give tacit support for that behavior and almost never challenge one of their own on their behavior. In fact, it is remarkable how few times an Obama supporter will break with the herd and stand up to one of the Obama bullies. And it also almost never happens that an Obama supporter will come to the defense of a beleaguered person who has been targeted and is being ripped apart by the howling pack.
The Obama supporters are acting as though they were no longer individuals, but merely components of a larger organism.
No Obama supporter will stand up and deny or refute anything I am saying here. However, at some time in the future I will no doubt see this post referred ot by an Obama supporter out of the blue as a way to discredit me in another discussion - "oh yeah? We know your agenda!! Just look at the hateful attacks you are making here in the Edwards forum!!!"
I don't hate any Obama supporter - I am not even ever angry at any of them. I don't call them "cultists" just to hurt them or to win an argument with them. Actually, I don't call then names at all, but I will point out cult-like behavior when I see it. The things I say are not an attack on Obama supporters - they are a mad desperate scramble to get out from under their attacks, to understand them and defend myself and others who are under attack from them.
Isn't this the strangest thing? I have spent time among extreme right wingers many times in the past, most dramatically as a performer, where I often went in as a lone and frail and outspoken Yankee socialist in some small town church in the rural South. But I have never seen a group that is as difficult or frightening as the Obama following is.