I have only a few minutes, so this many not be complete, and please excuse any typos.
Here's the deal: It's time we BEGIN to reach out to poor folk, and include them, and I intend to do just that. This morning I talked with a poor woman who is working minimum wage, has been homeless here for two years, and .... no, she hadn't heard about Edwards. (Not surprising, he's not that much in the media.) When I spoke to her about what he stands for, she got *VERY* interested, asked if I have literature to read (no, none in the area!!), and said her friends would be interested too.
Well, the upshot is, she got VERY ENTHUSIASTIC, and agreed enthusiastically to banner for Edwards here! There is NO Edwards presence locally---I was very discouraged to find there isn't even a Colorado Edwards organization.
So, here's the help I need. We poor folk get discounted by the muddleclass when we try to "join" their fun, so this is the opportunity to have a REAL grassroots presence for Edwards here in Colorado. This is a small town, but we can banner where it will be high profile.
None of us have money to print ANY of the materials. So, I'm asking, no, BEGGING help for this. We'll put in the time and sweat to get a good showing for Edwards in Colorado for our caucus on SuperTuesday, Feb 5, if you all can help us get the necessary info to hand out, and help us print some bumperstickers (many of the poor people here commute I0-70, where bumperstickers would get noticed!), and some pins to wear. The woman I talked with this morning wanted a pin right then, and I have NONE.
The first question will probably be, how many do you need? I don't yet know... I wanted to put out the request, to get this in the works, as time is really drawing close. We need to have literature to handout, buttons to wear all the time, and bumperstickers. It would be really cool if it was possible to have buttons pertaining to us... something like "Poor folk of Colorado for Edwards", although I obviously need your help to word something sexier than that. :hi:
1. Posterboard and markers for making bannering signs 2. Buttons and bumperstickers to raise awareness of an Edwards presence in Colorado.
3. Literature to hand out.
4.--- a real big request, but this would be soooo helpful-- Someone to put together a DVD of some of Edwards clips of speeches, so bannering people can learn what all he stands for, and have the same enthusiasm in speaking for him that the rest of us have!
5. Of course, if someone wants to print up a big banner for us to hold, that would be cool, also.
On my part, I'm going to be speaking to lots of poor folk, and getting a grassroots organization put together. Your well-wishes would be SO appreciated, and any way you can help get us off the ground would mean so much.
I have tears in my eyes right now from the enthusiasm of this one woman, and the friends she wants to include.
Let's do this!