Edited on Mon Jan-07-08 03:24 PM by wavesofeuphoria
I've been watching, reading, listening ... and having deep contemplations about all the Democratic candidates.
I will vote for the Democratic nominee .. whomever that maybe ... as I feel any of them will do a far better job than any republican nominee as president.
However ... I will be working for and supporting John Edwards through to the convention (and beyond hopefully).
It's not been an easy decision. As a New Yorker, Hillary Clinton has represented NY well ... upstate and western NY has received more attention under Clinton than has been given in a long time. Many parts of NY are socially liberal and fiscally conservative and Clinton seems a very good fit with that ... she does represent her constituents well. On a personal note, I find her very intelligent and a great role model for women -- a greatly admire her work and efforts in regards to women's rights and those of children and families. Also as a feminist ... it does conflict me that I cannot fully support her now as a presidential nominee. I don't feel now is the time for her ... perhaps it was in the past or the future yet. I sense that her policies and plans currently do not have the change that I see as needed now. And change is what is definitely needed now.
Barack Obama seems to philosophically have some good ideas .. but hasn't articulated them very well for me ... particularly in some areas of particular interest to me (education, economics, foreign policy). I just don't see the details and substance that I think are needed for me to be able to heartily support him. I will admit also some hesitation regarding some of the faith comments and the conflict that seems to exist regarding his support for GLBT rights. Its not a definitive issue but it does have an influence in my decision.
Dennis Kucinich has a number of my more leftist views ... but it seems to me that he often misses the forest because of the trees. I am concerned that while he does see and get what problems and issues there really are .. I am not so sure you has the means or understanding of making a change that will actually happen. I think he is a powerful and needed voice in the Democratic Party ... I feel he needs to work within his powers to make real change. I would like to see the state of Ohio elect him as a senator .. and see how he can effect change in that way. That's just my take though.
I very much respect Joe Biden and Chris Dodd ... and think and hope that a new Democratic administration would have a place for them to contribute to making changes. I think Biden would incredible in foreign policy positions and Dodd would be incredible in domestic policy positions.
Unfortunately .. I am not as well versed on Bill Richardson as I'd like to be ... but again .. as with Biden and Dodd .. I hope he too have some role in a new government ... and perhaps in time I could know more of him, his views, his actions, and philosophy.
John Edwards though seems to hit on some of the issues that are "major" to me and has articulated a plan and vision that I believe represents a good/better direction ... and while he is described as the "populist" candidate .. I also have a sense of "hope" as well .. that things will change and improve under his leadership. In particular I very much like his positions and plans (very important) in regards to:
* corporations * education * foreign policy * economics and poverty * civil rights * health care * environment
I could and probably will say more about each of those in the future in my journal.
Okay .. wanted to share .. or perhaps more so just wanted to articulate for myself .. my thinking. I had not contributed to any candidate for the nomination so far ... but did so this weekend to John Edward's campaign (and in a manner he could receive the matching funds as well). Now to continue to support and work for his nomination ....