it's still a battle between the haves and the have-nots out in healthcare land.
this morning i took my son in law, Reagan, up to the hospital to get an ordered MRI for his back. A little background here. He's an Iraq war vet with a 30% disability for his back which the VA won't treat. He has no healthcare, and his wife, my daughter, has no healthcare except for a clinic they go to where they have to pay on a sliding scale. My daughter has type 1 diabetes which no insurance company will insure her for. My daughter works. They have to pay $20 per visit to the clinic.
Today at the hospital they refused to give him his MRI (1) because he had no insurance, and (2) because he didn't have the money to put down $250 today & $250 two weeks from now for the MRI. We left there and nothing was done.
Reagan is a Ron Paul fan & is basically a one issue voter ... on the constitution. I think that is admirable, but the one issue he should be for is the one that affects his pocket which is healthcare for everyone. No one should be turned away from a hospital for much needed tests because of an inability to pay. My daughter told him that she understands because a hospital is a business. Then he started railing against businesses. I told him that the only candidate that wants to take on big business is John Edwards & he should consider changing his vote on Feb. 5th to support John Edwards ... the one who will actually take on the things that affect his pocket and his bottom line.
It was quite a learning experience for him. We will see if it makes a difference in his attitude on Feb. 5th. My daughter says she has not changed from an Edwards fan since 2003 and she won't change her support now.
John Edwards. Best candidate for my daughter & SIL's medical issues. Hillary & Obama will not help them because they are beholden to big insurance not to do so.
John Edwards. Upward. Onward. Edwards 2008!!!