I really think that a key to the success of Friday's fundraising is to plaster the internet with our message. Earlier, I was reading a really yucky Newsweek article about John and noticed that there were a lot of Pro-John comments in the comment section. I signed up and posted this message:
Comment: If the corporate media blackout of John Edwards bothers you as much as it does me, go to John's website on Friday and donate. We are "Going for the Gold" in order to send the media a powerful message. That message is: "We will not allow you to choose our candidate for us!"
For the next 24 hours, I am going to post this message in every comment section of every Edwards article I can find. Join me, please! Never underestimate the power of the Netroots. That is how Ron Paul raised so much money. Also, please consider adding the fundraising graphic to your sigline. I have had several people notice it in threads and tell me they are going to donate-even on threads where that isn't the topic. Don't assume everyone on DU, or even every Edwards supporter on DU, has seen this message. Spread it around!
Sorry if I'm sounding bossy. I'm just running on...hell, I don't even know what I'm running on right now. Go John! We can do this!