I , too, will likely support the local candidates that I believe in. I occupy various Party positions on a local and state level but I am not sure now much effort I will be prepared to dedicate to those Party efforts if the party nominee is not one I feel I can actively support.I know definitely that there are some on going financial efforts that I make that I will quietly terminate.Some will undoubtedly argue that I will be hurting locals with this but I know better.The locals benefit little if at all from these donations.I learned long ago that only direct candidate donations support them.
This election cycle will likely be my "last hurrah" as a full bent completely dedicated Democrat.If the Democratic party has not learned their lessons ,I have.I value loyalty, and I value certain kinds of experience, and I value dedication. If my Party doesn't value those aspects and they don't want either my vote, or my participation, I simply don't have any answers.
If they think they are appealing to the GOP with their behavior, they are flat out wrong. I spoke to a staunch GOper tonight who is disgusted with the current antics he sees.He personally was revolted by John Kerry's support of Obama.He said he thought Kerry presented himself in a poor light.He said Kerry looked more like a "flip flopper" than ever.He asked, "how could someone ask that we accept a man to be his choice as a heartbeat away from the presidency and now not endorse him as president?" He said, "doesn't that mean Kerry is rescinding his choice?" He said he thought Kerry was treating Edwards very shabbily and it didn't look good for Kerry. Even though I am a huge Kerry fan, I could not defend him.
This GOPer, who feels he does not like his GOP choices, is also turned off by the Clinton/Obama spectacle.He doesn't like this being turned into a gender/ race war when the economy and the war loom so large.Again, I agree.And that Republican is by no means alone.Many Republicans would vote for Edwards and cannot understand why the Democratic party is doing this to itself.And I can't answer that question either.
All I can say, is God help us all.