Edited on Sun Jan-20-08 01:58 PM by ClericJohnPreston
I agree with the premise that we are cultivating the fruits of a longtime plan, hatched many years ago by those with a prescient knowledge of the future.
Unfortunately for us, those people worked for the interests that are antithetical to our cause. Television and the other media were recognized as vehicles for both numbing down sensitivities over time and of creating the minds malleable enough for manipulation.
In a sense, we few on this forum, represent the "Neo" of Keanu Reeves in "The Matrix". For some odd reason, maybe like me you share a "rebel" philosophy, we have refused to drink the Kool-Aid, are immune to media posturing and corporate backed manipulations. Whatever it is , it seems we clearly see the problem where others do not.
And this is an important point. When involved in threads like "Two Americas" points out, we will run into the opposite mentality which we share here. We will meet idealogues, deeply entrenched minds prone to the malleability we refuse to accept. I call it, "the talking to walls" syndrome, for no matter how clear and unequivocal the proofs, these people will just mot see it! Ever. So, your time and calm will be wasted on these people.
In some ways I feel sorry for them. They actually believe they are "thinking", when in fact they are merely spitting out facile platitudes they have assimilated, like the good little drones they are. On the other hand, these tools of manipulation are threatening my Democracy as much as those who have designed to take it from me. So, they are the enemy of reason and logic.
Eisenhower identified the enemy long ago and watching an old movie the other night on cable, "Rollerball", showed that some people foresaw the arising of the Corporate State, where Nations fall before globalization at the hands of a Corporatocracy. That group then numbs down the citizenry, like the bread and circuses of the Romans, with diverting games and distractions. "American Idol" anyone?
Well, I just want to say that I enjoy the LITERATE conversation I can have in this forum. This post, in GD or GDP, would be explosive, calling out every freak of the variety that "Two Americas" referenced. COGNITIVE DISSONANCE is a bitch, and the heads out there would throb from Truth. So, it is easier to dismiss intelligent arguments like the ones, without reading, I know "Two Americas" is posting.
In a way, "Two Americas", I was letting you know a few days ago, when in my thread about taking the gloves off, that you would find I was CORRECT, in assuming that the nice guy approach could fail miserably. Why? Therse ingrained and entrenched minds have been conditioned for years to be the way you found. You see, as a Trial Lawyer, I recognize manipulation from miles away and also know it's effects.
We reap what we sow. We are the unfortunate inheritors of an upside down world where non-thinkers, acting on knee-jerk reactions programmed into them, actually believe they are "thinking", when they are mere human "automotons", without critical-thinking skills.
I have often contemplated what could lead us out of this darkness. Any thoughts before I reveal mine?