From email...Edwards quote in
boldSenators Kerry and Kennedy are leading a filibuster against Samuel Alito. 41 senators must join to block the nomination. It's an uphill climb and Sen. Warner could make all the difference. Can you call today and ask him to stand against Alito?
Senator John Warner
Phone: 202-224-2023
Then, let us know you called:
I Called Congress
Dear ....,
Late yesterday afternoon, Senators Kerry and Kennedy announced that they will lead a filibuster against the nomination of Samuel Alito to the Supreme Court. Now the rest of the Senate has about 48 hours to decide which side they are on.
Your senator, Sen. Warner, has developed a reputation as a moderate Republican, but he says that he's planning to vote to confirm this far-right nominee. Now's the time for him to decide—is he in the mainstream of American politics, or is he a right-wing ideologue? There's still time for him to change his mind, and our calls could make the difference—can you call him now and ask him to reconsider?
Senator John Warner
Phone: 202-224-2023
Then, please report your call by clicking here: against the Alito nomination isn't just the right policy for the country, it's good politics for progressives. Voters want leaders with the courage to fight for their true convictions.
As John Edwards put it when he declared his support for the filibuster:
In an era when the president of the United States declares himself to be above the law, it is more important than ever to have a Supreme Court that fulfills its duty as the ultimate guardian of our rights; yet Samuel Alito's nomination puts those very rights in danger...together we can deliver one united message: it's time for Democrats to stand up for what we believe in. We will not shy away from important fights like this because the cost is far, far too great.Yesterday, the New York Times came out with a blistering a editorial calling for a filbuster, called "Senators in Need of a Spine," Here are some highlights:
It is hard to imagine a moment when it would be more appropriate for senators to fight for a principle...
...It is indefensible for...any senator who has promised constituents to protect a woman's right to an abortion to turn around and hand Judge Alito a potent vote to undermine or even end it...The judge's record strongly suggests that he is an eager lieutenant in the ranks of the conservative theorists who ignore our system of checks and balances, elevating the presidency over everything else...
...A filibuster is a radical tool. It's easy to see why Democrats are frightened of it. But from our perspective, there are some things far more frightening. One of them is Samuel Alito on the Supreme Court.
Now is the time to weigh in. As Senator Kerry wrote yesterday:
It takes more than one or two people to fillibuster. It's not "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington." I'm doing what I can, Senator Kennedy is doing what he can, but if, like me, you want to stop Judge Alito from becoming Justice Alito, we can't just preach to our own choir. We need even more of your advocacy.
Please call Sen. Warner and ask him to reconsider his vote on Alito. In this critical moment, your calls could make the difference.
Thank you for all that you do,
–Ben, Eli, Marika, Justin and the Political Action Team
Friday, January 27th, 2006
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