They are trapped and confused. So many Democrats, especially the more dominant and influential ones, are sleep walking. They have allowed themselves to be defined by right wing propaganda - programmed, almost. You can tell listening to them and watching them - they are going through the motions. They have a vague idea that the path they are on is a dead end, but they can't bring themselves to leave it. Even Feingold seems half-comatose, as though he is following a script that he does not have his heart in.
When you keep telling yourself that it is those people over there - you know, the fundies and the rednecks, and the WalMart shoppers and the American Idol watchers - who are asleep, that prevents you from seeing that you yourself are asleep - programmed, predictable, empty inside, passionless, lifeless. The Democrats are like a bunch of walking corpses as they repeat the same flawed and failing arguments over and over again.
I keep having this fantasy that one day a bunch of Democrats will snap out of the coma and say "hey! Wait a minute. WTF are we doing?"
It has nothing to do with liberal versus conservative, except in the fantasy world of many Democrats.
Edwards is relaxed, spontaneous and confident - he is alive. The other candidates are distracted, cautious, fearful, robotic, defensive. I keep waiting for Obama to stop in the middle of one of his mesmerizing (to some, to me it is boring) speeches and say "fuck this. WTF am I doing?? This won't work. Listen up folks, a handful of very wealthy and powerful people have seized control of everything and are turning us all into peasants and we need to fight, just as our ancestors did. Playing this 'I am a liberal and better than the Republicans' game, carefully mincing my words, watching the polls, playing the demographics, listening to the consultants, kissing ass to the insiders, looking for the middle - this is all too much work and won't get us anywhere anyway. Who am I fooling?"
Why do almost all Democrats have one hand tied behind their back? Why does their heart not seem to be in it? Why, when you scratch the surface of "hope" or whatever other bullshit they are peddling, are they so hostile, defensive, angry? Why are they so weak?
I think their is an internal unresolved conflict. Everything they do, think, and say is predicated on playing the game and being winners, and siding with and defending the wealthy and powerful. They have deep contempt and loathing for the general public, especially the least fortunate. But they cannot acknowledge that, let alone admit it, because then what? How can they claim to be better than the Republicans, other than having better fashion sense and better lifestyles? They have this thin veneer of pseudo-liberalism, but at their core they are committed to the same things the Republicans are. They are trying to serve two masters.
WTF is the difference between Rove and Penn. Not a damned thing. Penn is actually worse morally, and less competent than Rove. WTF is the difference between the corruption of the Republicans by big capital and the corruption of the Democrats by big capital? Not much.