In the first Progressive2008 poll Al Gore beats all comers. This straw poll is run by Keith Shirey, pollster and Professor Emeritus Of Political Science, Citrus College, Glendora, CA.
The poll was conducted on the web site for 11 eleven weeks. 2,993 votes were cast. The voters had the choice between Gore, Hillary Clinton, Russ Feingold, Dennis Kucinich and Mark Warner. Kucinich came in second with Feingold a very close third.
When asked why Kucinich fared so well in the poll Shirey pointed out that he was the commercial web site manager and supplier of campaign merchandise during Kucinich's 2004 run for the presidency. "People know my web site and e-mail address so they probably keep up with what I am doing," stated the Professor.
Shirey said he e-mailed support groups for all potential candidates in the poll asking them to vote for the candidate of their choice.
Hillary Clinton came in dead last. Shirey said he wasn't surprised because the vast majority of people voting in the poll are progressive activists.
Shirey is now conducting another poll pitting John Edwards, Hillary Clinton, Al Gore, Wes Clark, Barack Obama, Bill Richardson, Chris Dodd, Russ Feingold, Evan Bayh, and Joe Biden against one another. The Professor said he plans "run offs" between the highest vote getters in the future.
The results of the first poll can be viewed at Http://www.progressive2008.com/html/poll-results.php People wishing to participate in the second poll may use the same web site address.