..... if it's OK for me to post stuff like this here. Since I don't peruse all that there is to DU (I don't know how so many do read and address all that's on DU, let alone the rest of the "Net"!), I don't wanna be an offender of protocol on this little group that I'm fond of (the JE group).
Anyway, I wrote a letter to our scourge in the Blight House today. I posted it to Congress dot org and I wanted to share it here just to get a bit of satisfaction that some audience besides the reps it'll be sent to can see my anger and frustration. As has been the case of late, I find myself yelling at the TV whenever our asswipe-in-chief is displaying his loathsomeness. Last night's hour of delirium was especially evoking for my vocal chords. This morning I wanted to send him my feelings regarding his BS:
Once again, Chimpy - you've fed your deluded faitful another ration of outright LIES and half truths. Might I assure you of ONE THING regarding your legacy. In one particular way, you'll outshine George Washington. If they're still not done judging the intricacies of his tenure in office, your occupation of it will be summed up rather quickly. In fact, the "quick read" edition of your time in office will read like this: LIES, PERSONAL AGENDA & DECEPTION - not necessarily in that order, mind you. If Washington's the "Father of our Country", you're the "Torturer of our Country". And your encouragement of torture for suspected enemies is only part of the inspiration for that moniker. That's because your turn at the helm has seen this nation and the vast majority of it's citizens DELIBERATELY steered onto the rocks. As a consequence (sorry to use words not likely to be found in My Pet Goat), waterboarding would be too good a treatment for you. You sir, should be keel-hauled until you come up blubbering that you're a sleazy liar and con artist. Your address to the nation last night was as predictable as the morning sunrise. And yet....... unlike the illuminating force of the rising sun, your worthless blather only serves to infuriate anyone with half a functioning brain. Ta-ta, good.... (No - EXCELLENT) riddance, and don't come back. Go back to your phony "ranch" in Crawford and relax. I have a fanciful dream that one day, in a moment of delirium (which seems to be a regular occurrance for you) you'll get your bicycle and your chain saw confused, climb on your chainsaw and crank it up!