As I responded privately, I've already sent in my primary ballot with JE's name selected. And since I have to live with my conscience, I'll write his name on the GE ballot as well. I feel your pain, Rock. I really do. While I've pulled for the Demo candidates over the past two decades, I was never so involved or passionate about any of them as much as I am about Edwards. While we of this little group may have lost our rudder, we still have each other and maybe THAT'S as good as anything shy of Edwards walking Pennsy avenue. The wife 'n me are comfortable in our very modest little home and we'll sleep pretty much like we did last night. What worries me is the likes of Bobbolink and the others of her strata. Who will speak for them now? I read where John stopped to visit with a couple hundred folks living under a bridge in Louisiana. I just don't see Obama or Ms. Clinton taking notice other than for sound byte rhetoric. I'd like to do something, but I feel as tho my shoes are made of lead and clumped with clay. I was gonna contribute another hundred bucks to John's efforts but now I think I'll just buy food for the empty-shelved local food bank. It's amazing that here in the salad bowl / fruit basket of America - there's folks going without food! We can pour on the handouts to foreign nations and let our own scrounge thru dumpsters. I can see a political cartoon lurking there somehow. The only thing is - it isn't even remotely funny.