I really, really like John Edwards. I like the way he speaks so passionately about poverty and lets face it, he's very charismatic, which in a potential Presidential candidate is a good thing.
But, I have a hard time forgiving him for the IWR. Now, John Edwards tries to justify his vote by saying "if he knew then what he knows now..." But I wonder how much he knew then. He was on the Intelligence committee, so didn't he have access to much of the same information as say, Bob Graham who voted against the IWR? And Graham is no dove.
I think John Edwards is possibly vulnerable to being called a Johnny Come Lately in his war opposition, or using the advantage of hindsight.
Don't jump on me and tell me he's better than say, Lieberman, who still thinks the war is a good thing. If I'm going to back him (which I'm seriously considering), I need to come to terms with this.