OK, you guys have read my nightmare scenario (which seems to be happening), now here is my dream to somehow salvage the coming election. I know its far-fetched, but damnation, what else do I have to cling to? So here goes...
1. Hillary and Obama are splitting the votes about 45-40 with our man Edwards picking up the SaraCat and Others' stray delegates, including some Superdelegates along the way.
2. Going to the convention, polls are showing that both Hillary and Obama are losing in tight electoral races with McCain/Huckabee. All-out bedlam occurs at the Convention this summer and no single group can get the majority.
3. Al Gore, YES I SAID IT...., Al Gore finally gets his shit together and realizes that we need to win this election and takes his bid to the floor, throwing his hat in the ring. Obama, realizing he cannot win on his own and realizing the potential peril in losing in November, makes a deal with Gore to transfer all his delegates. Many superdelegates realize the same thing, and throw their support to Gore. Clinton and company are going insane, watching their chances slipping away, as Edwards comes in and puts Gore's Delegate count OVER THE TOP.
4. We get a Gore/Obama ticket with John Edwards potentially serving as Attorney General and Hillary still in the Senate.
I know this will likely never happen, but damn, I can dream and HOPE!!! I'd prefer to see Edwards as Veep, but Obama will have the lion's share of delegates. Anyone else wanna dream???