Have been down here since the day before the primary and all our FL friends and relatives told me they were voting for Edwards since they hated the GOP choices and the two "other" Dems more.
None of these people are polical junkies and pay close attention, but were informed at the poll that if they were registered Independent, they could not vote, registered GOP, vote only GOP. Most of them just voted for the ballot propositions. (Nobody told ANY of them if they wanted to change their registrations, it had to be done two weeks before? Some didn't even pay attention til the day before!)
I wonder how many votes John lost that day?
I'll try and peek in more often, with hopes I'll be home (VA) by primary day so I can vote for JRE! I'm still upset he dropped out before Feb 5, would have loved to see this go all the way to the DNCC. I also can't guarantee I'll vote for one of the remaining "historic" choices this Nov :(