It seems that our candidates are afraid to put them out of business..
I have the impression they are thinking 36,000 people out of work - its an entire industry (beside the fact that the industry delivers their 2nd source of income)
And today I'm thinking about the announcement that in January 70,000 Americans became unemployed.
They dont seem to be too worried about that.
hmmm, no caluculator available. How much is $250,000,000. 00 divided by 70,000 ?
meanwhile booooooooosh has AGAIN just cut food stamps, cut VA care for returning soldiers,cut medicare (why doesnt he just put the elderly out out on an ice-flow starting with Barbara n Pappy) and submitted the largest budget ever delivered to a congress - $ 3.5 trillion dollars. I dont even know how many ooooooooo's that is. But I do know it entails his last chance to rob the coffers of the US Treasury.
and the topping on the cake: General Jacobs ? talking head pundit on MSNBC after the election results talking about the next president is going to have to be serious about building up our army, - he seemed to be talking about drafting people without using the words. Why would we want to build up the army ? to send more kids to be killed and kill ? How many have we killed and are still killing in Iraq and Afghanistan? If they're admitting to 600,000 you know it must be closer to 2 million Iraqi men, women, and children. A thriving and functioning city, the hanging gardens of Babylon, 10,000 years of history in museums purposely obliterated.No water, no electricity, living in bombed out rubble, our kids used as an army for oil companies and that's the truth of it, as if the oil companies couldn't pay for their own armies and not involve the United States..
If only The Hague would take them all but especially the moron and confiscate his fortune to pay for the horror and theft he has caused in three countries.
And horror of all horrors, I am for nationalizing what is left of oil in this country. 100 year leases for no rent and subsidizing the richest companies in the world in this country. Welll, if there is a shortage that no bid contract should be canceled.
Wall street is made up of banks in the Federal Reserve...the world wide network of banks lending money to every country in the world and demanding social services be cut so that their interest can be paid. I'm not making that up - that's part of the contract that the WTO, IMF, insists upon before they will loan the country money. Before it was always third world countries they did it to. Now we are the third world country. And what Boooooooooosh has done from day one is no accidnt.
The only good that may come out of the housing bubble crash is that these banks are crashing - world depression - and that may be good because it may be the only way to start over. Problem is "the people" are going to suffer through no fault of their own. If a rev lutshun is coming it will be because of this.
If the Obamanuts on DU are an example of what that generation is like, it's going to get very ugly and not just for the wealthy. Nes' pa ?
Why is it the French and Italians get out in the streets and shut cities and their countries down everytime their govts. try to take something away from them or their unions? And why do we American sit like couch potatoes and be led like docile cattle to the slaughter instead of doing the same?
Just some random thoughts that have been on my mind for the past 6 years.