saracat wrote:
After comments made yesterday by the Obamas and the nastiness exhibited by their campaign, I have decided to do what I can in a limited way to make sure Obama is defeated.I have not been a huge fan of Hillary as everyone knows but this is my declaration of an ABO effort.I am disgusted that race and gender have been made an issue.This is counter to everything John stood for.But the overt sexism is too much for me to stomach. If racism is unacceptable so is sexism and contempt for gender.I do not expect either candidate to win the WH.We eliminated the candidate who might have done that.
I’m glad to see this thread here, sara. I’m with you on this. There are things I don’t like about both Obama and Hillary, but the negatives for me with Obama far outweigh Hillary’s negatives by comparison. I am also disgusted by the tenor of the remarks of many of his supporters, and the nasty, divisive tone of his campaign in general. (A “uniter”? Where have we heard that before? I knew it was bullshit then, and I can see it clearly for what it is this time, too.) As for the misogyny we are seeing and hearing, I am likewise totally disgusted with this. We’ve fought too long and too hard for this to be rearing its ugly head AGAIN at this point in time. My 27-year-old daughter, and my 74-year-old mother (who proudly told me this morning that she voted for Hillary) both feel and see the same. We are three generations of women united in this. And for the record, my husband stands with us, too.
waiting for hope wrote:
The more I see of Obama - the less I like and the more I like Clinton. At least with her, we'll know what we paid for. And, she did ask for our vote, I heard her after John was in New Orleans - I think Obama could care less and that he thinks he's above us. Fuck him. Seriously, fuck him. I think there is something that really stinks with him, and the public won't see it until it's too late.
… And I've read in about a dozen places that he's miffed because John hasn't endorsed him yet...Please, John does not owe him ANYTHING. I would love it if he didn't endorse. He is pretty open about his supporters making us their own minds, and he's said over and over, if you won't vote for someone because of their gender or color, than he doesn't want that vote.
Yes. I agree here, too. I also think that something stinks. Big-time. And, I have to say, my mother told me, unsolicited this morning, that he “scares” her, too. There is something wrong here, an undercurrent behind the façade, that many of us are sensing. I trust that. I also hope that John does not endorse anyone. That would be the far more dignified course for him to take. If he were to endorse Obama, my disillusionment would be magnified a hundredfold. I do not trust Obama, nor do I like him. It’s a gut reaction that, when combined with my rational assessment of him (the lack of substance/specifics, the ever-present and ultimately ambiguous meme of “hope” and “change” --change
from what
to what? I ask, and hear no answer) and the blind devotion of his followers/devotees, fuels my distrust and my dislike of him. His motives are veiled.
kelligesq wrote:
ditto. One thing about the Clintons - they know poor - he never earned more than 35,000 a year until he went to the white house.
I gather her legal work supported them , but I'm not sure about that.
She did not come from wealth and her father would not pay for her college. didnt want her to go. She's come a long way baby.
Of course Bill now makes millions with books and speeches BUT he has used his celebrity to help poor people around the world...aids, affordable medicines, his pass=it=on KIva bank. Bill created 22 million jobs.
One thing is for sure, Katrina would not have happened the way it did and would not still be festering if Fema was still under the Clinton Administration at the time.
Obama has worked for black people most of his career. Period. There are other people out here. For a young man he has lived pretty high off the hog in his career in Chicago and now in DC. Somehow those dont look like cheap suits he's wearing.What has Obama created?
So I think you're right . And I think they (Clintons) would be more accessible.
They've certainly known suffering all of their life until after the White House.
I know the street in Chappaqua his house is on- yes big older house, but very unpreposing and less than impressive street. Dont know her house in DC.
I agree. I could never and would never vote or support Obama
Something is hidden that we haven't seen although I think we get glimpses of his
callousness. I've seen Michelle's mouth twisted in meanness and I dont like that one bit. Seems to me they've had it pretty easy.
I surely hope JOhn doesnt give him an endorsement.
These are good points, too. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I can add here that I grew up in Hot Springs, Arkansas. Bill went to the same small high school where my mother graduated. I know well the neighborhoods where Bill grew up, and there is nothing fancy there. Not that this speaks to Hillary’s upbringing, but I think it is still relevant to the issue. And I have to agree that there is poverty all over America that Obama does not seem to acknowledge. You are correct that something “not pretty” is hidden, simmering under the carefully constructed exterior, that we get occasional glimpses of, and it is apparent to me in Michelle, too.
Thank you for sharing what you did about Hillary’s father and his refusal to pay for her college education. I did not know this, but I can accept and believe it because my own father told me a very similar thing: that he could not possibly afford to pay for my education when he had sons to worry about. He could’ve just told me we couldn’t afford it, period, which was probably closer to the real truth, but for some reason, even though he didn’t mean to, he made me feel “less” for being female. He apologized many years later for his insensitivity and lack of forethought, and I have forgiven him, but I did not forget it. It has taken me a long, long time, but I did it anyway. I will owe for this when all is said and done, and I fear for my ability to pay back what I owe under the current and impending economic disaster, but I graduated
summa cum laude at the age of 53, and am now in grad school. Yes, WE’VE come a long way, baby!
Restore Gore wrote:
We are on the same page here I don't agree with her policies but I see the sexism and it bothers me. And I see the same thing about Obama. He thinks he is the second coming of Christ, and his supporters think he is too and it turns me off bigtime.
This messianic fever bothers me greatly. I watched his speech last night and it troubled me. Have any of you ever spent time in an old-time sort of church? I have. So has my mother, and she saw this, too, last night. He was preaching. He spoke in that cadence, with carefully crafted lines designed to get a response. He would speak, then pause, and the crowd would respond with “testifying.” They might as well have been shouting out “Praise Jesus (oh, I mean, Obama)!” or “Amen, brother!” just like in church. The feeling, and the effect, was the same. This, combined with his vague, undefined promises of "change," is VERY alarming to me. I enjoy a powerful speaker (both Kucinich and Edwards, for instance), but this apparent melding of politics with religion worries me a great deal. If nothing else, it is exploitive, and that bothers me, too.
bobbolink wrote:
What I saw at my abortive caucus last night convinced me they BOTH have paid shills working the crowds!
When I couldn't find anyone to tell me WHERE the FUCK my precinct was, and I was surrounded by the goddamned sHILL and Obamanation signs everywhere, one person with an O. sticker asked me if I wanted one. I practically yelled at him that I was there for Edwards only, and what I wanted was to find my damned precinct, and what the fuck was wrong with all of them who couldn't be bothered.
His reply?
"I'm not here for to vote. I'm only here passing out these stickers."
Now, is that the sign of a paid shill?
"the public won't see it until it's too late." that's exactly right, and I don't care anymore.
Let them be fooled, let the party go down in flames.
I see it with my situation.. I can talk and talk, I can beg and plead, I can cry, I can remove myself from the fucking planet.
I am so sorry you had such a bad experience yesterday. I wish there was something I could say or do, to help you find something to feel better about, but I don’t think you want that from me. I understand your disillusionment and disappointment, though, for whatever that is worth.