Edited on Sat Feb-09-08 09:38 AM by Old Crusoe
he would have my grateful and enthusiastic support.
The "suspended" campaign leaves a slither of light coming through the barn ceiling, but mostly I'm snoozing in the hayloft, not really counting the hours and days. I was happier when all 8 of our announced candidates were on stage debating, finding things to respect in all of them.
Now we're down to three. My first 4 choices are already out of the race. Of the 3 left, I agree more with Senator Gravel, but there's as much chance of his being elected president as Colonel Sanders.
Not that I don't like fried chicken. I prefer it barbequed, but am negotiable.
I have a list of grievances against Sens. Clinton and Obama but the long-term landscape gives me a McCain White House, which would be a bloodthirsty string of Cold War bombast combined with a domestic trainwreck. No sale.
Never a Clinton Democrat, I find some admirable traits to Sen. Clinton but am not going to support her in my state's primary. I thought the Obama campaign badly stumbled with the McClurkin affiliation and feel he needs to acknowledge -- publicly, please -- that Edwards' domestic proposals were vastly superior to anyone else's out there at the current time, and adopt them liberally into his agenda.
The momentum in the race has turned decidedly in Obama's favor, IMO. Which means, in the long run, that it has turned against the Republicans. Not just against Bush's 8 years of calamities, but against the gutting of public service and government initiatives to address human needs. Our ticket will seek to restore that, and likely can't be elected unless it says so when it asks for voters' support.
John, come back into the race any time you want. I'm still an Edwards voter.
If you aren't coming back, I need someone who can whup the Pukes.