The America I love so much is fading away right before my eyes...and that is why I am so wary of used car salesmen like Obama who claim he will bring "change" when he is really part of the system that will bring us more of the same. And nothing proves that to me more than knowing that neither he nor Hillary Clinton will hold Bush and his criminal regime accountable for their crimes against this constitution. But of course, when asking if they will it is ignored and falls away. That too brings me to tears because it would seem that people in this country on the whole are simply not passionate about holding onto Democracy. If we can give it away so easily did we really want it? I know I do, and I am truly so sad today because it does seem like we have come to a place we never should have come to if people were truly vigilant of their govt. Am I wrong to care about this? I don't think so. How can you say you are against this war and be against exacting judgement on those who lied to get us there? That is really very telling to me. Anyway, thanks for letting me vent.