“The My Lai massacre was revealed by a conscientious soldier. The health effects of Agent Orange were revealed by relentless questions by concerned veterans and their families. Post-traumatic stress was revealed by veterans who publicly shared their nightmares, rather than hide from them. That was the spirit of the Winter Soldier investigations and similar forums during the Vietnam War, which were designed to educate the public about troubling, traumatic, hidden and potentially unlawful aspects of military campaigns that bureaucrats would rather ignore.
Some would say soldiers should be silent about contentious war experiences. But civic duty is as critical in a democracy as military duty. To make wiser decisions about government policies and leaders, the public needs to hear and see the unvarnished facts, however uncomfortable or shocking. What actually happened on military missions in Iraq and Afghanistan can only be fully told by those who were there. So it again comes down to soldiers, in and out of uniform, to lay it on the line – and honestly and conscientiously inform the American people of actions that can only fester and foster more traumas if they remain hidden in shows of shame or cloaked by sheer arrogance.”
The above was written by Jan Barry Crumb, President of VVAW from 1967-1971 and a SP4, US Army, Vietnam 1962-1963. He moderated the 25th Infantry Division & Public Information panel. ------------------------------ You can contribute online at www.ivaw.org/wintersoldier, or send a check or money order made out of “IVAW” to PO Box 8296, Philadelphia, PA 19101.
OK, Duers. Time to really support our troops! If you can contribute to this event, this is a good one. If you have said you will never send another dime to a candidate, perhaps you would be willing to send it to IVAW in support of WINTER SOLDIER. I have donated & encourage all of you to donate to make it possible to feed & house these soldiers.