i am so sick of the lies about my state of Fla..breaking the rules of the primaries..
Fla became the first state in the nation to totally ban DRE voting machines,,and to by law require VOTER VERIFIED PAPER BALLOTS
the bill that did that..is the bill the republican run state legislature hung the move of the Primary date on..
Howard Dean knew that..
the only network that has reported it with any truth..and they do it as an after fact is CNN
they told the truth about it a couple times today..woo hoo..someone finally told the truth about it.
i am so damn sick of the lies..and Dean it seems has no problem telling lies about it as well..he knows damn well why the Fla Dem legislators signed that bill.
it would have been suicide if they hadn't
and yet South Carolina had their Republican legislature do the same thing..they moved their primary date.
they weren't punished at all!
Now i have and many of us here in Fla have our own feelings of why this was done to us and not SC...but i won't digress..but think Dean = Obama..
Dean had only offered one solution to Florida..a caucus...
well a huge # of our citizens are seniors and infirmed..and we have many transien ts..and many snow birds..that are Fla Residents..
many would not have been here to Caucus..
Dean also prob had a real good idea..Fla would go to Hillary..gee...........
what i need help with is not all of the above..but to get the damn truth out..
and here it is...
if you see the lies..please correct them...
seems like i said only CNN has bothered with facts..and truth!
gee and South Carolina when they changed their date against the rules..they didn't even get Voter Verified Paper Ballots..but Mr Dean did not punish them...
seems we in Florida got punished for banning DRE machines and for a law requiring Voter Verified Paper Ballots..and our dems signed the bill that the repigs tied together with a primary date change..
wow Mr Dean is doing a fine job with dirty tricks against we dems .. for the repiglicans here in Fla!
steal our votes..again.....this time..by the democrats..
thank you
Fly..a 2004 Dem Delegate for Florida
here are facts.............
http://www.cnn.com/2007/POLITICS/08/09/sc.gop.primary/i... http://www.fladems.com/page/content/makeitcount-faqs/#q... The Rules say you had to try to stop the primary move, but Democrats voted for the law. What gives?
Initially, before a specific date had been decided upon by the Republicans, some Democrats did actively support the idea of moving earlier in the calendar year.
That changed when Speaker Rubio(r) announced he wanted to break the Rules of the Democratic and Republican National Committees. Following this announcement, DNC and Florida Democratic Party staff talked about the possibility that our primary date would move up in violation of Rule 11.A.
Party leaders, Chairwoman Thurman and members of Congress then lobbied Democratic members of the Legislature through a variety of means to prevent the primary from moving earlier than February 5th. Party leadership and staff spent countless hours discussing our opposition to and the ramifications of a pre-February 5th primary with legislators, former and current Congressional members, DNC members, DNC staff, donors, activists, county leaders, media, legislative staff, Congressional staff, municipal elected officials, constituency leaders, labor leaders and counterparts in other state parties. In response to the Party’s efforts, Senate Democratic Leaders Geller and Wilson and House Democratic Leaders Gelber and Cusack introduced amendments to CS/HB 537 to hold the Presidential Preference Primary on the first Tuesday in February, instead of January 29th. These were both defeated by the overwhelming Republican majority in each house.
The primary bill, which at this point had been rolled into a larger legislation train, went to a vote in both houses. It passed almost unanimously. The final bill contained a whole host of elections legislation, much of which Democrats did not support. However, in legislative bodies, the majority party can shove bad omnibus legislation down the minority’s throats by attaching a couple of things that made the whole bill very difficult, if not impossible, to vote against.
This is what the Republicans did in Florida, including a vital provision to require a paper trail for Florida elections. There was no way that any Florida Democratic Party official or Democratic legislative leader could ask our Democratic members, especially those in the Florida Legislative Black Caucus, to vote against a paper trail for our elections. It would have been embarrassing, futile, and, moreover, against Democratic principles.