I don't think that the people are asleep, nor that they are voting against their interests. I know that my view of this is unusual and radical.
The people are being divided and conquered. White folks who vote Republican are voting against the ruling class as they see it - upscale liberals - and are being driven by fear to do that.
Just as we need a carpenter or a mechanic - people from the working class with certain valuable skills and contributions to make - so too, they need us, and we are just another group of working class people with our own particular skills and contribution to make - we are the intellectuals in the working class: readers, writers, analysts, speakers, thinkers, organizers. We are the ones missing in action. Our skills are in the service of the wealthy and powerful few, and not in the service of our fellow working class brothers and sisters. We have difficulty seeing this for a variety of reasons. We are the ones asleep, we are the ones confused, we are the ones who don't know who we are or what our role is.
We can see this played out among the (white) supporters of Obama. They trash out reverend Wright's comments - they obviously have not been in very many Black churches and are woefully oblivious to the experience of being Black in America - then say that Wright's remarks are not a challenge in the general election. Such confusion. They are trying to simultaneously think they are on the left and in opposition to the right wing, while promoting and reinforcing all of the right wing, reactionary, and racist misconceptions and false assumptions and premises that keep the right wingers in power.
Most liberals are trying to go two opposing directions at once. It can’t be done. This creates a tremendous amount of confusion and paralysis, and the working people are left with no leaders, no spokespersons, no advocates. By trying to please both sides—the poor and working people, and the wealthy and successful people—we decapitate the working class. We advocate compliance and when we do that we demoralize and confuse people. We can see it played out everyday right here at DU.