John Edwards suspended his campaign a while ago, but some Iowans aren’t ready to let him go. At county conventions over the weekend, the former North Carolina senator won 373 delegates to the Congressional District and state conventions where Iowans will select the 45 pledged delegates to send to the national convention in Denver.
Sen. Barack Obama won 52% of the 2,500 delegates who will go on to the next two tiers in the national delegate-selection process and Sen. Hillary Clinton won 32%. The 2,500 were winnowed from nearly 14,000 delegates who were selected to attend this weekend’s conventions at Iowa’s Jan. 3 first-in-the nation caucuses.
That didn’t dissuade some Edwards supporters, including Graybill. Despite dropping out of the race, Edwards won 16% of the delegates to the district and county conventions. If those delegates continue to support him, they could command seven of the state’s seats in Denver.
Edwards supporters said variously that they still liked the former senator, were waiting for him to endorse a candidate before switching sides themselves, or were hoping to use their delegate seats to give Iowa some influence over the party’s platform or vice presidential pick.