Edited on Tue Apr-08-08 05:36 PM by Two Americas
I think Obama will be the nominee, yes, but I do not see how he can win the general.
(TA runs and ducks for cover.)
I think that an awakening is needed among us, the activists and intellectuals of the left, and that requires being willing to criticize our own - our methods, our thinking, our assumptions. That is the key to unlocking the cell of our imprisonment. I thought that people, especially Edwards supporters, were ready for that. It is a very stressful time. The only way to keep even two or three people on relatively friendly terms for very long is to keep what you say strictly within certain limits, and even then it takes very little provocation for people to be at each other's throats. I think there is a deep and festering divide, not only among and between Democrats, but many people seem to be internally conflicted as well - having bitter arguments with themselves, as it were. The premises and assumptions, as reflected in the thinking and methods of modern liberalism, and the purported goals are mutually contradictory.
Obama is probably the perfect candidate to represent these contradictions - people on opposite sides of almost every issue think he is on their side. He is running on a platform of destroying the left, making it invisible, silencing it - it is not overtly said, but when you read what his supporters say it is clear that they are getting the message. At the same time, those who are not yet ready to admit that they are abandoning the left are given a fig leaf in the form of vague leftist-sounding platitudes, and when that fails the mob chants "hope" and "unity." Ironically, they use Obama's weakness going into the general as evidence that he must be leftist - if he were not leftist, how come he is going to lose? is their "logic." This is not conscious - no one says that they associate "leftist" with losing, but they do. Being "right" and winning are mutually contradictory, as well. That is the inevitable result of the politics of personal choice and personal belief systems.
I have had a number of Obama supporters admit to me in private that they do not hold out much hope for him to win the general - but of course they blame that on the stupidity of the people, on the MSM, or even on leftists for not having hope, and see it as inevitable that we lose and not something we can prevent. In public, they chant hope and unity and get angry with anyone who expresses any reservations about us winning. What a trap they are in, and it is hard to talk to them without touching on those internal contradictions, and then you are "heard" as that voice in their head that they are trying to shut out and what you are actually saying cannot get through the fog of their internal dissonance.
Not sure how to break the impasse. Maybe it has to play itself out to the bitter end? Maybe the Democratic party is finished as a representative organization for the political left? There is much, much more resistance within the party to leftist ideas now - angry violent resistance - than there is to libertarian ideas. It is an awful choice - make people angry and battle all of the time, or go along with the drift to the right, go along with the failed methods, ignore the contradictions, and keep your opinions to yourself.