Despite your continuous off topic and apparent altered attitude in this thread much like you have done in other threads here in this military section, I'll address your comments as best as I can, if and when, I feel it appropriate. You seem to 'demand' answers that best supports your own agenda, whatever that may be. I certainly can see all of this as open dissent for which I feel is our rights to perform, but I must say that you sometimes seem to have personal problems with other issues that tends to arise in these military threads here in DU.
You may want to further check out this thread to seek help if you need it. as far as me and you and a dog named boo, there's no love lost here as far as I am concerned for what you have represented to me in our short past here in DU. You seem to want to promote your tour of Asian duty along with your versions for 'extra' chest pounding with it all. Makes no matter to me, pound your chest all you want if it toots your bugle. I've not stated anything here that disproves your claim of military service per your own statements made.
You say you were not far from the Cambodian border and a few days drive to Vietnam. Super. Now I ask if you took on fire? It also comes to my mind that the eastern part of Cambodia, of which you were not in, was where 'war' spilled over into Cambodia. The western part of Cambodia, as far as I know, was not in any 'direct' fire of war time fighting.
Were you in any position in where you was to take on a military missions that involved combat/assaults? See, the way I decipher your wording things here in DU is, in fact, how you make things appear that lends to the fact that you 'physically' was a part of combat in Vietnam. For those who were there in Vietnam, like myself, find that insulting to those we call real war vets. That means 'real time' my friend. Not saying those in support countries wasn't important, in fact some roles were important, but when it comes to when one tries to step on my toes and split the hairs the way you have, concerning real war time events, then I question such authority.
If others who has been reading these threads and posts have probably also realized that you are the one who addresses yourself to 'me' first in the threads, especially the threads that I have created here in this military section. You come into my threads making your comments as you do, and then start demanding answers from me about things that you somehow interpret inside your own mind as being 'possibly not to your liking' or things that 'best fits your own battle cry'. Hell I could respond the same, but I've been more 'courteous' while addressing topic issues as much as possible at the same time.
Now if you'd like for us to take this further than we have here, then I do know of a place where we can do that without fear of heavy moderation, unlike what I've been told about your own forum turf heavy moderation. By my understanding, you'll need not fear being banned as promised by this one new forum's admins that I have met. I will gladly PM you it's link if you want that. Other than that, I do not know what else to suggest to you concerning your strange off the wall remarks that you make here in this military section. Heck, maybe it's just me and I simply can't interpret RA bs very well. If so, I apologize for my RA 101 ignorance. But whatever you wish to prove to me about whatever else is going on in your head, then I suggest that we may best address this elsewhere, while I continue to pursue the topic matter in these threads.
By the way, a question to the mods. Is it ok for us to list a link in our signature area to a forum such as Acebass has? I'm cool with that, as I hope others are allowed to do the same. Thanks.