Army embeds FCS training in vehiclesBy Kris Osborn - Staff writer
Posted : Monday Dec 1, 2008 6:13:52 EST
The Army is developing software that will allow soldiers to conduct virtual training missions inside the combat vehicles they will use for real, service officials said.
Early versions of the software, now under construction as part of phases two and three of the Future Combat Systems network, will be ready to deploy by 2011.
“The FCS network will update training packages and embed them into vehicle’s software programs, giving the Army the ability to train anywhere, anytime on the equipment a soldier is going to fight on,” FCS spokesman Paul Mehney said.
The software is designed to accept information about a combat zone, helping soldiers rehearse for actual missions during training. Currently, soldiers do most of their training on simulator devices separate from their combat vehicles.
“With embedded training, the platform you use in combat becomes the simulator versus a separate stand-alone device,” said Rickey Smith, director of Army Capabilities Integration Center-Forward. “This unprecedented capability has the potential to alter the way units prepare for operations from the crew level and up.”
Rest of article at: comment: Maybe these guys didn't get the memo about our economy being in the toilet.