Navy: Call girl actually retired at O-3By Andrew Tilghman - Staff writer
Posted : Wednesday Dec 3, 2008 22:21:05 EST
A female officer who admitted working as a high-end prostitute for the “D.C. Madam” was allowed to retire as an O-3 — not an O-4, as was previously stated by a Navy spokeswoman.
Navy Secretary Donald Winter “did make the decision to retire her as a lieutenant in determining that she did not serve satisfactorily as a lieutenant commander,” Winter’s spokeswoman Capt. Beci Brenton said Wednesday.
Another Navy spokeswoman, Lt. j.g. Jennifer Windstein, told Navy Times on Nov. 25 that Dickinson was allowed to retire as a lieutenant commander.
“We made an error,” said Navy spokesman Lt. Cmdr. John Daniels.
In federal court in April, Dickinson testified about her stint as an escort at the trial of Deborah Jeane Palfrey, a California businesswoman who came to be known as the “D.C. Madam.” Dickinson said she charged $275 for a 90-minute session, typically keeping $130 for herself and sending $145 to Palfrey.
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