Promotion forecast
Report says prospects good for sergeantsA good year to advanceBy Jim Tice - Staff writer
Posted : Monday Dec 8, 2008 6:09:12 EST
A promotion forecast developed by Pentagon personnel officials indicates 51,000 soldiers will advance to the ranks of sergeant through sergeant major in fiscal 2009.
More than half of those promotions will go to corporals and specialists on selection lists for advancement to sergeant, and a quarter will go to the more than 16,000 sergeants eligible for staff sergeant stripes.
The fiscal year plan for the active component falls 1,400 promotions shy of the 2008 program, which was extraordinarily robust because of the Grow the Army program.
However, the projection is well above the annual totals of 40,000 to 45,000 that were common before the Army launched its 65,000-soldier force expansion three years ago.
Under Grow the Army, the Army not only is getting larger, but reorganizing into brigade combat teams and other modular units that have additional requirements for mid-grade sergeants, as well as senior captains and majors.
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