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(Air Force Times) Editorial: F-22 Raptor debate is a disservice to taxpayers and troops

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unhappycamper Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-15-08 08:47 AM
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(Air Force Times) Editorial: F-22 Raptor debate is a disservice to taxpayers and troops
F-22 Raptor debate is a disservice to taxpayers and troops
Robert F. Dorr

Far from combat zones where Americans are in harm’s way, a battle is raging in Washington. It’s a war of words, but it’s nasty.

The debate focuses on the F-22 Raptor, the super fighter that has been under development for 25 years and has yet to see combat.

On one side are key Pentagon officials who say they want to pass the decision to stop or continue F-22 production to the Obama administration. They include Defense Secretary Robert Gates, Deputy Defense Secretary Gordon England and acquisitions boss John Young. However, Washington observers believe Young, in particular, is really trying to kill the Raptor before the new president takes office Jan. 20.

On the other side are lawmakers and industry figures who argue that the nation must keep the F-22 in production to bolster the U.S. industrial base and preserve thousands of jobs.

For years, the Bush administration has insisted the Air Force should have 183 Raptors, while legislators, aerospace executives and Air Force generals have argued for 381. A measure by Congress aimed at bridging the change in administrations will fund four more Raptors than planned and bring the total to 187. Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Norton Schwartz has speculated that the service might eventually want 240 to 250 of the planes — although any number beyond 187 apparently will require a decision by Jan. 21, the first full day of the new administration and the day production line issues will raise costs dramatically.

Rest of article about this $355,000,000 wonder at:
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zbdent Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-15-08 08:57 AM
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1. sounds like there might be a bunch of abandoned U.S. auto factories which
could build these things ... of course, if you apply to work there, they will execute you for treason if you even think the word "union" ...
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creeksneakers2 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-15-08 11:03 AM
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2. I don't understand why we need any raptors at all.
They are no use in Iraq or Afghanistan and have no relevance to fighting terrorism.

When Congress wants more of something than the Pentagon does, that's a sign of a waste of money.
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