Corps to court-martial E-9 charged with DUIBy Gidget Fuentes - Staff writer
Posted : Monday Dec 22, 2008 5:44:09 EST
OCEANSIDE, Calif. — The Marine Corps plans to court-martial a sergeant major charged with drunken driving, unauthorized absence, making false official statements and violating general orders.
Sgt. Maj. Mark A. Kellison has been charged under the Uniform Code of Military Justice with one count of drunken or reckless operation of a vehicle; one count of unauthorized leave; two counts of making a false official statement; and four counts of violating orders or regulations, according to the court docket and charge sheet.
Kellison most recently served as the sergeant major for Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron at Marine Corps Air Station Miramar in San Diego.
He allegedly was intoxicated and driving a government vehicle near Yuma, Ariz., on July 17, and he missed a meeting of the Marine Corps Installations-West Marine/Noncommissioned Officer of the Quarter and Meritorious Promotion Board that was convened at the Sonoran Pueblo Club at Yuma Marine Corps Air Station, according to the charges preferred against him Dec. 5.
The Corps has accused Kellison of driving at Miramar MCAS without a valid state driver’s license and driving government vehicles without a valid state driver’s license from March 3 to July 16. He’s also charged with taking his personal firearms in the government vehicle when he drove from San Diego to Yuma on July 16 and using the vehicle to get alcohol in order to get drunk that day.
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