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Military limits details on alleged Iranian meddling in Iraq

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unhappycamper Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-23-08 08:00 AM
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Military limits details on alleged Iranian meddling in Iraq
Military limits details on alleged Iranian meddling in Iraq
By Joseph Giordono, Stars and Stripes
Mideast edition, Tuesday, December 23, 2008

For the second time in recent days, officials with the U.S. military command in Baghdad issued a news release about Iranian meddling in Iraq, after a period during which such accusations had somewhat quieted.

A release dated Sunday said that raids "continue to degrade Iranian-funded terrorist networks with the capture of a suspected key network finance manager and two associates" in Baghdad’s Adhamiyah district.

"Iraqi and Coalition forces are working together to prevent Iranian-backed terrorists from endangering the Iraqi people," the release read.

Days earlier, the military issued a release detailing the capture of a "suspected Iranian intelligence agent" in an operation north of Baghdad.

The man was a "commander of Iranian special operations in Iraq who is also believed to be involved in facilitating training of Iraqi militants at Islamic Republic Guard Corps-Quds Force training camps," the U.S. military alleged.

Rest of article at:

uhc comment: The five-sided puzzle palace tries to catapult the propaganda and no one is listening.
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