Competition will tighten overmanned ratingsBy Mark D. Faram - Staff writer
Posted : Friday Dec 26, 2008 6:03:12 EST
If you’re in an overmanned rating, 2009 is not your year to stay put.
That’s the news from personnel officials as they put out their fiscal 2009 retention goals. The plan is to allow slightly more sailors to re-enlist than last year even as the service continues to draw down through retirements and other methods.
The service expects a higher-than-normal number of sailors to want to stay due to two main factors: high quality of life in the ranks; and sailor’s decisions to stay in rather than find a job in the sagging economy.
“We know competition is going to be keen,” said Rear Adm. Daniel Holloway, director of manpower, personnel, education and training. “That’s why I would advise individuals in overmanned ratings who are serious about staying to look at areas of the Navy where we are undermanned, where there is good advancement opportunity.”
Compared to fiscal 2008, the current fiscal year’s retention goals went up in all three categories. According to a Dec. 5 message, here’s the outlook for re-enlistments in the coming year:
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