Politicians and civic groups are expressing universal dismay about placing detainees from the Guantanamo Bay prison camp, above, in their communities.Many against placing detainees in their townsBy Suzanne Gamboa - The Associated Press
Posted : Tuesday Feb 3, 2009 18:56:18 EST
WASHINGTON — Even before President Barack Obama moved to close the infamous Guantanamo Bay lockup, several communities in the United States were engaged in a furious game of hot potato over who would inherit the prisoners.
Now, members of Congress are tossing the spuds — at each other.
A Colorado congressman suggests sending terror detainees to any military prison, rather than his state’s federal penitentiary, where they put the Unabomber. A South Carolina congressman says send them to the already-famous prisons in Kansas. A Missouri Republican says let those who support closing Guantanamo take them.
“We ought to put ’em in Alcatraz and let our good friends in San Francisco deal with these deadly combatants,” says Sen. Kit Bond, R-Mo., backing his Kansas colleagues.
The not-in-my-backyard stakes are high, and no wonder: Who wants to be the place that picked up where Guantanamo left off?
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