Navy plans to expand training off of OregonThe Associated Press
Posted : Thursday Feb 5, 2009 9:28:21 EST
PORTLAND, Ore. — Fishermen and environmental groups are concerned about the Navy’s plan to expand its training operation off the Oregon coast.
The Navy has been practicing in the Pacific for decades, and wants to expand those exercises by scheduling more training flights, adding a dummy minefield-avoidance training course, and increasing the use of sonar.
Expanded training is critical, the Navy says, particularly practicing submarine detection and electronic jamming of enemy signals on the fly.
But fishermen worry about munitions debris tearing up nets and longer closures of the large swaths of ocean. The biggest environmental concern is the Navy’s use of midfrequency active sonar. Environmental groups say it damages whales and other marine mammals that use sound to communicate and navigate.
The military produced a 1,000-page environmental review of its training plan and concludes that it won’t harm marine life or the public.Rest of article at: