Navy calls SEAL parachuting deaths accidentalThe Associated Press
Posted : Monday Feb 9, 2009 19:28:57 EST
VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. — The Navy says the parachuting deaths of two Virginia-based SEALs in Arizona last year were accidental and probably the result of tangled gear.
Senior Chief Petty Officer Thomas Valentine of Ham Lake, Minn., and Chief Petty Officer Lance Vaccaro of Reading, Pa., died while conducting high altitude drops near the town of Marana.
A Navy investigation found that the 37-year-old Valentine died Feb. 13 when his parachute failed to open properly during a night jump. A separate Navy investigation concluded that the 35-year-old Vaccaro suffered fatal injuries during a jump less than a month later when his main parachute malfunctioned and spun him down to the ground.
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