Higher Tricare fees among cost-cutting ideasBy Rick Maze - Staff writer
Posted : Tuesday Feb 10, 2009 14:24:04 EST
A Senate committee wrestling with ways to get the federal deficit under control is weighing recommendations from a nonpartisan arm of Congress that include increases in health care fees for retirees and their families, as well as limits on veterans’ health care benefits.
At a Senate Budget Committee hearing Tuesday, Sen. Kent Conrad, D-N.D., committee chairman, said the $11.6 trillion national debt is expected to more than double by 2019, with federal health care costs a key factor.
Conrad said he thinks even that forecast is “overly optimistic” and that the debt will be larger.
The Congressional Budget Office, a nonpartisan arm of Congress, has compiled a list of 115 options for changes in medical care programs, mostly ways to cut federal funding, that Conrad’s committee is considering as it tries to prepare a 2010 federal spending guide.
The options include raising enrollment fees, copayments and deductibles for military retirees younger than age 65 and their families using the Tricare health benefits program; requiring some veterans to pay copayments when being treated for medical issues not related to military service; and a novel idea of allowing active-duty families to pocket money — up to $500 each year — if they don’t use health benefits.
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