U.S. uses UAVs to hunt Somali pirates on shoreBy Andrew Njuguna - The Associated Press
Posted : Sunday Feb 15, 2009 15:22:41 EST
ABOARD THE USS MAHAN — American warships off the lawless Somali coast are using unmanned drones to hunt pirates threatening one of the world’s most important shipping lanes.
Sailors aboard the USS Mahan told The Associated Press they have been using the spy flights daily to spot potential pirate mother ships.
For years, the U.S. has used drones to track potential terrorists among Somalia’s warlords, but the Navy said more and more of the planes are now being used to fight piracy.
The drones can fly more than 3,000 feet (915 meters) above sea level and relay pictures detailed enough to recognize the flags flown on fishing boats that Somalis use to avoid detection.
The drones take still photos and videos that are instantly relayed to the American ships. The Americans can then send this material to other nations in the international anti-piracy coalition that may have ships near the suspicious vessel. Countries as diverse as India, France, China and Russia have sent ships to help patrol the Gulf of Aden.
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