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Manas 'Not Irreplaceable' Official Says

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unhappycamper Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Feb-20-09 07:25 AM
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Manas 'Not Irreplaceable' Official Says
Manas 'Not Irreplaceable' Official Says
February 19, 2009
Air Force Print News|by SSgt. Michael J. Carden

WASHINGTON - Kyrgyzstan's parliament voted Feb. 19 to close Manas Air Base, a key logistics hub for the U.S. military, but a senior Pentagon official said the base closure would not affect operations in Afghanistan.

"(Manas Air Base) is an important base for operations in Afghanistan, but it's not irreplaceable," Pentagon spokesman Bryan Whitman told reporters here Feb. 19. "If it's not available to us, we'll find other means."

Kyrgyz President Kurmanbek Bakiyev still must sign the bill for the eviction to be official. If he signs the bill, troops will have 180 days to withdraw, based on a previous agreement made by the U.S. and Kyrgyz governments, he said.

Pentagon officials are aware of news reports that Bakiyev intends to close the base, Mr. Whitman said, but the United States hasn't received any official notification or orders to withdraw its military forces. "Our operations there today remain normal," he said.

Defense Department officials are considering what it may be able to offer the Kyrgyz government to continue operations, but will not agree to any price, Mr. Whitman said. Other options in the region are being considered, he said, but he would not give specifics on countries or the status of discussions.

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