Corps: 2nd MEB won’t stand up as scheduledBy Trista Talton - Staff writer
Posted : Tuesday Feb 24, 2009 17:23:19 EST
JACKSONVILLE, N.C. — Activation of the 2nd Marine Expeditionary Brigade, tapped last week for deployment to Afghanistan, has been “postponed indefinitely,” Marine officials said Tuesday.
The MEB, expected to number 10,000 by the summer, was scheduled stand up at Camp Lejeune, N.C., on Friday.
“It was a scheduling conflict for the generals involved,” said Staff Sgt. Juan Vara, a MEB spokesman.
The Corps confirmed plans to activate the MEB after President Barack Obama announced Feb. 17 that he is sending an additional 17,000 troops to Afghanistan this spring to bolster international forces now battling an emboldened insurgency there. That number includes 8,000 Marines from throughout the Corps.
Marine officials have not yet identified which units will join the MEB, to be commanded by Brig. Gen. Larry Nicholson, but at least two battalions are being diverted from previously scheduled deployments to Iraq, where violence has subsided in recent months. Additionally, 2nd MEB will absorb about 2,000 Marines assigned to the special purpose Marine air-ground task force currently in theater, officials have said.
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