(Many of these newsitems can of interest to veterans and those still in service - however, the last three mailings I received were basically organization administration, so I didn't post them)
Inside this week's edition of FRA News-Bytes:
* FRA's Action Alerts: Concurrent Receipt, Keep Our Promises,
and Phone Rate Hike
* VA Budget for FY 2006
* Admiral Vern Clark Announces Retirement
* Medical Reserve Corps Volunteers
FRA's Action Alerts: Concurrent Receipt, Keep Our Promises to America's Military Retirees and Proposed Phone Rate Hike
There are three Action Alerts on FRA's website (www.fra.org) that warrant immediate attention. The first alert highlights concurrent receipt legislation. Shipmates are urged to write their representative in Congress and implore them to support and cosponsor H.R. 303, which would authorize full concurrent receipt of military retired pay and VA disability compensation for all retired military personnel.
As noted in last week's News-Bytes, H.R. 303 was introduced by Michael Bilirakis (Fla), and would expand eligibility for concurrent receipt to include disabled retirees who have disability ratings below 50 percent.
The bill would benefit TERA retirees, who accepted early retirement (less than 20 years of service). However, it does not include retirees who used constructive time to reach 20 years of service, or medically retired personnel with less than 20 years of service. FRA continues to work toward the introduction of additional
legislation addressing these personnel.
The "Keep Our Promise to America's Military Retirees Act" (H.R. 602) was reintroduced in the 109th Congress by U.S. Representative Chris Van Hollen (Md). The legislation garnered 256 cosponsors in the 108th Congress, but the measure was not reported out of committee. The Keep Our Promises bill was originally introduced in 1999 to address the commitment of free healthcare for life made to career servicemembers.
The most recent version of the bill would waive the Medicare Part B premium for World War II- and Korean-era military retirees, and would also offer younger military retirees the option of enrolling in the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program (FEHBP). A pre-written support message is posted in the Action Center on FRA's website at www.fra.org.
The third Action Alert concerns plans to increase the per-minute cost of pre-paid phone cards. Despite opposition from FRA and other organizations, FCC Chairman Michael Powell is currently circulating an order to his fellow commissioners to increase the calling card rates.
FRA addressed this issue in a letter to Chairman Powell on 16 August 2004, urging the FCC to reconsider increasing the costs of prepaid phone cards "until U.S. military service members and civilian employees no longer face sustained daily combat and the threat of loss of life and limb."
(snip rest)
VA Budget for FY 2006
FRA is disappointed with the Administration's proposed FY 06 budget for the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). The budget includes a paltry 1.8 percent increase in VA Healthcare spending, which, given double digit health care inflation, is insufficient to meet the needs of the increasing number of America's veterans.
The increase is also dependent upon the authorization and implementation of a new annual $250 enrollment fee and an increase in prescription drug co-pays from $7 to $15 (a 53 percent increase) for veterans in categories 7 and 8.
CNO Clark Announces Retirement
After serving as Chief of Naval Operations for five years, Admiral Vern Clark announced on Monday, 7 February 2005 that he will retire this summer. Although service chiefs usually serve four year terms, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld asked Admiral Clark to stay on an additional two years. Admiral Clark stated that "it was time to turn over the reins to a new leadership team."
Medical Reserve Corps Volunteers
FRA was recently briefed by the Medical Reserve Corps (MRC), and learned that MRC is in need of volunteers. The Medical Reserve Corps is a spin-off of the U.S. Freedom Corps and its mission is to mobilize and help citizens in the event of a national emergency. You don't have to be a doctor to help. MRC is seeking anyone with experience in crisis management planning or possessing basic leadership skills.
The Medical Reserve Corps is a spin-off of the U.S. Freedom Corps and its mission is to mobilize and help citizens in the event of a national emergency, and also offers classes and training on improving health literacy, such as educating people on the dangers of tobacco, drugs, and obesity.
You can find an MRC chapter in your area by visiting their website at www.medicalreservecorps.gov.If there is not an established MRC in our area you are encouraged to speak with local community leaders about starting one.
If you are not a member of FRA, the oldest and most effective association representing Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard ersonnel, please call FRA's Director of Membership Development at 1-800-FRA-1924.