USAF Confirms KAF Beast Mystery Stealth DroneIt seems to be the mystery du jour and I’ve been getting a lot of correspondence from readers about it over the last two weeks.
Looks as if the Air Force has confirmed the existence of the “Beast of Kandahar” — a tailless, flying-wing designed drone that looks a lot like NorGrum’s planned Naval UCAS and is a major leap in design over current “model airplane” specs. It turns out the Beast is a LockMart Skunky project doing a little war zone field testing.
The RQ-170 Sentinel is being developed by Lockheed Martin and is designed “to provide reconnaissance and surveillance support to forward deployed combat forces,” the air force said in a brief statement…
Aviation experts dubbed the drone the “Beast of Kandahar” after photographs emerged earlier this year showing the mysterious aircraft in southern Afghanistan in 2007.
The image suggested a drone with a radar-evading stealth-like design, resembling a smaller version of a B-2 bomber.
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