I have been honored that the veterans at the Soldiers for the Truth Forum have accepted me. I went to that forum after being referred there via Hackworth.com David Hackworth is a highly decorated veteran who has a nationally syndicated column entitled "Defending America". I posted what's below to be as biting as it could be, but sadly, the treatment described understates how badly our war vets are being treated. This is my second posting on this forum. I am weak on formating stuff to make it look pretty, so I'd appreciate any direction on how to gain skill using the HTML commands. Also, since it's only my second post here, and I thrive on attention, and positive feedback, both would certainly be greatly appreciated.
A Day in the Park With W’s Circle of Christian Conservatives
Athough the media's not contacted me about it, apparently my short essay about the “Vietnam War Sacrifices of George W. Bush & Today's Military” (see below) is being transmitted from person to person on the internet. Sadly, Christian conservatives ignore the prayer that is the last line :
Today, W continues to serve our country's country clubs. Let those born to wealth, like W, be thankful for the huge income tax cuts they have received. Let the undeserving poor, so foolish in their selection of their ancestors, be grateful for the little they get. May they render their gratitude by entering our military. And may God render their military service, serving all of us, to be as harmless as W's Vietnam War sacrifices.
If we all were in a park on a sunny day, they would run to attack those who assault the evanescent integrity of George W. Bush, trampling any standing in their way, even wheel chair bound disabled veterans, who've put the brakes on. Were you to call them into account for that crime, they'd say, "What Crime? THAT MAN said the President is a Liar. Why isn't he in Jail?"
Well, we've a democracy. The speaker does have the right to say that, but when you rushed toward the soapbox you tossed aside the disabled Vet in the wheelchair. When you stepped on the Vet, instead of stepping around him, you crushed his limbs further.
"You're right, " they reply, "You know they give traffic tickets for cars that block the thoroughfare. Why haven't the police arrested that guy who was in the wheelchair? Now he's lying there on the ground, unable to get up. How dare he block us from supporting the President. There's a double standard here in the marketplace of ideas. That liberal on the soapbox is allowed to speak while patriots like us go unheard."
YOU TRAMPLED UPON A CRIPPLED MAN. Forget about THAT MAN on the soapbox. Stay here and help lift up the Vet there on the ground and help get him to the hospital, please. It’s the right thing to do.
“You bleeding-heart liberal. Who the Hell are you to tell me what’s the right thing to do? I ask myself what would George W. Bush do? HE had the VA throw disabled Vets out in the street. I can't do worse and I'll be damned to listen to a bleeding heart liberal like you who says I can do better. Let him lie there. He'll pull himself up by his own bootstraps."
HE HAS NO FEET. The IED's blew them off.
"Well, if you want to help him, I won’t get in your way.”
That’s mighty big of you, Sir.
“Don’t come running to me if you break your leg.”
Some decry George W. Bush's National Guard service during the Vietnam War. From April 1972 to May 1973, no one saw him show up to serve, but he served our country then as well as Dan Quayle. His daddy's V-P protected Indiana's golf courses from military invasion. W did no less. In fact, he did more.
A patriot, like George W. Bush, may serve our country in other ways, besides obligated military service. He may not have made it to the armories or airfields in Alabama, but he did serve -- and volley -- tennis balls with the daughters of Alabama Republicans.
Every day, W forthrightly faced the risk of dehydration in the hot sun. Sometimes, he even evinced humility -- or inebriation -- by sacrificing his game to the young women.
Hold a tennis ball in your hand. Picture our president's sacrifice away from the Alabama armory, away from the planes, very, very far away from Vietnam. Swatting tennis balls with young misses in the safe suburbs, he shielded them from our seedy cities. In only his early 20's, Bush sacrificed for his country -- club.
Today, W continues to serve our country's country clubs. Let those born to wealth, like W, be thankful for the huge income tax cuts they have received. Let the undeserving poor, so foolish in their selection of their ancestors, be grateful for the little they get. May they render their gratitude by entering our military. And may God render their military service, serving all of us, to be as harmless as W's Vietnam War sacrifices.