the Editor,
As our troops begin a new year at war on two fronts, it’s time again to focus on the true sacrifice these brave soldiers and Marines make ... as well as the continued disregard our government has for their welfare. One small, but very significant,area is the paucity of adequate helmet pads for our troops. As helmets must be worn for 12-14 hours at a time, the availability of comfortable, safe helmet pads is critical.
Operation Helmet is a 501-C charity begun by Dr. Robert Meadors, an Army flight surgeon. Dr. Bob saw too many traumatic brain injuries caused by poorly fittting helmets, stiff helmet pads and stress fractures of the skull. He developed simple helmet pads that prevent many of these injuries.
Operation Helmet uses 99.5 percent of their proceeds to produce and distribute these pads to those in the front lines. Until our soldiers are home,it is up to us,a grateful nation, to do more than talk. You can make a difference by yourself or in groups through donations and fund raisers. You can contact the organization here: I have been fortunate to have been associated with these great folks for several years. Until we can convince our elected officials to upgrade the troops’ helmets on the government’s dime,it's up to us to help as many soldiers come home in one piece as possible.You can make a difference.
Reply if you are in the mood.The locals will criticize me for my lack of patriotism on some level..:)