Staff Sgt. Jeff Ebert demonstrates an experimental virtual-reality computer simulation at Madigan Army Medical Center at Fort Lewis, Wash., that psychologists plan to begin using in the future to treat soldiers suffering from PTSD. The Army is seeking out total immersive technologies to train future forces.TRADOC predicts the future of warfareBy David Larter - Staff writer
Posted : Monday Jan 11, 2010 6:46:38 EST
Training and Doctrine Command released its vision of future warfare in December, and at times it reads like a script by Gene Roddenberry, creator of “Star Trek.”
TRADOC predicts in the report the Army will be at war until 2028, and its Future Force Capstone Concept projects what the force should look like to effectively wage a future war.
Future forces should have vehicles better protected from improvised explosive devices. The report calls for troop carriers that are well armored with the ability to protect light infantry without sacrificing mobility. One suggestion is to explore nanotechnology, which can change the structure of matter on a molecular and atomic level, so the Army could engineer armor that is harder and more resistant to IED explosions.
TRADOC also wants to better prepare soldiers mentally for the stress of multiple deployments, given that the report predicts that ground combat could go on for another 18 years. Future forces need to be “motivated to succeed (in) operations and subsequently, after recuperation and training, are prepared to return to operations time after time,” according to the report. TRADOC suggests tapping future developments in the understanding of both human physiology and psychology.
This way the Army would better understand the level of physical fitness required to support multiple deployments and also be able mentally condition soldiers to prepare them for combat stress.
Rest of article at: comment: It's nice to know that the MIC is considering our future. Of course they will need to do it gratis as we are broke.