For all those fear-mongering e-mails being circulated, here's a current response. Care to be Unchanged under Health Care Reform
by: Richard Allen Smith
Thu Mar 18, 2010 at 19:06:27 PM EDT
The right has spent a good portion of the debate over health care reform engaging in scare tactics aimed at Veterans and Retirees (and when not doing that, have engaged in the demonizing of government health care begging the question why our Veterans would get health care that is somehow substandard, but I digress). Today, VA seeks to put those fears to rest:
Let me be unambiguous: The healthcare that Veterans receive through the VA system, including dependents of certain veterans enrolled in the CHAMPVA program, will be safe and sound under health reform. The Secretary of Veterans Affairs would continue to maintain sole authority over the system and for enhancing the quality and access for all eligible Veterans.
In addition, TRICARE will continue to be available for all eligible servicemen and women, and their families. Those who are covered by TRICARE would meet the shared responsibility requirement for individuals to have insurance, thereby exempting such members of the uniformed services and dependants from being assessed any sort of penalty. The President has made it clear publicly and to me that he is committed to ensuring that America's servicemen and women have high quality care, and with health reform that commitment remains very much intact.
I have personally seen what a devastating medical condition can cost. Had I been injured on the freeway and not in combat, it is likely that I would be bankrupt even though I had medical insurance through my civilian employer. I personally receive my world class healthcare from the VA and as a dependent on my husband's Tricare eligibility. This bill is good for our nation and our Veterans and Service Members and their families can be reassured that their benefits are safe.
The author of that statement is, of course, Tammy Duckworth, Assistant Secretary of Veterans Affairs, a double combat amputee who left both her legs in Iraq. As the vote on health care reform draws near, expect to see more shameful fear-mongering directed at the Veteran community-- a slimy political tactic that falls well beneath the measure of service Vets have given to our country.