by: Richard Allen Smith
Tue Apr 27, 2010 at 11:44:24 AM EDT
Even though there is no credible evidence that the recently passed health care reform legislation would adversely affect Tricare beneficiaries, some on the right (and their front groups) have continued to fear monger military families regarding their health benefits. To shut them up, Congress passed and the President signed into law the Tricare Affirmation Act.
Tricare health insurance is specifically defined by the law signed Monday as minimal essential coverage, which provides an exemption from the penalty.
That article also notes that expansion of dependent coverage to age 26 is expected to be included in the Defense Authorization Bill later this year. That WAS an oversight in the health care bill and it is good to see it being addressed. Its the right thing to do.
Even with this legislation, however, something tells me that the shameless fear mongering of Veterans and military families over issues that do not affect them will continue.
Richard Allen Smith :: Tricare Fear-Mongerers Can STFU;jsessionid=631048D4C32D7FC1228F14307A0A735B?diaryId=4017