Medicare/TRICARE Threat Is BackOnce again, we face an imminent threat of a 21% cut in Medicare and TRICARE payments to doctors – this time as of June 1 – that would cause large numbers of doctors to stop seeing seniors and military beneficiaries.
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This is serious stuff, and the ever-shortening threat cycle leaves beneficiaries understandably afraid that their access to health care will be disrupted. And that’s not an idle worry, as doctors are getting more and more upset as well. When Congress delays action and Medicare delays payments, it’s the doctors who effectively have to float the government a loan in the interim.
On May 26, MOAA Deputy Government Relations Director CAPT Kathy Beasley (USN-Ret) joined representatives of AARP and several medical associations at a Capitol Hill press conference urging prompt action for a longer-term fix. “When our troops are deployed in harm’s way,” said Beasley, “the last thing they should have to worry about is whether a sick spouse or child will be able to find a doctor to treat them.”
As this report is being prepared, House leaders are hoping to get a vote, perhaps as soon as today (May 28) on a fix that would put off any payment cut until January 1, 2012. But even if that happens, the Senate is unlikely to take it up until after the recess, with only a few days’ latitude left.